Michael DeGrandpre

Michael and Larry Christensen at the Japanese Garden’s Children’s Day

Michael on the Columbia River Railroad Draw Bridge doing his job as a Bridge Tender

How to begin…Michael was such a character and such a fun and unique addition to our club when he joined in 1998. You never knew what to expect, he had so much energy and love of life and whenever anyone remembers Michael you can’t help but smile! And if that is the only legacy you leave, that is more than enough, however, Michael left so much more! He had quite the eye for the ladies as is evident in the above photo (I am talking about the little cutie that he and Larry are trying to talk into accepting a fish necklace!) When Michael joined the NW Koi Club he was a recovering alcoholic, I know this seems a weird way to begin but Michael was very open about this and was a sponsor to recovering alcoholics and he gifted a large part of his life to helping the AA organization, including holding board positions. When Michael joined the NW club he didn’t hang back,” to see if it was safe to get in the water”, as most new members would do but he immediately got seriously involved, and of course the club was thrilled! He and his then wife Raeleen, helped at every event, koi shows, PNKCA Conventions, and the Japanese Garden. He was one of the first group of KHA (koi health advisors) and helped many koi keepers in the Vancouver and Portland areas.
One of my fondest memories of Michael was a trip we took together to Victoria, B.C. for a PNKCA Convention. The drive couldn’t have gone quicker with Michael entertaining us! When wandering in Victoria we went into a shop that had a small aquarium in an old TV set. Michael, Raeleen and I decided we had to do this and we made two aquarium TV’s together, so fun!
Another large part of Michaels life was dance. He was very involved in dancing (swing and ballroom) and went to lots of dance retreats and cruises. I always found it incredible that he had spare time to do all these diverse interests and give 100% to each of them, while also working his job for the railroad as a Bridge Tender!
Michael left the koi hobby in 2007, and a few years later moved to Idaho with his present wife, Marie, who was his dance partner to the end. Even though he moved so far away Michael and Marie kept in touch with family and friends and visited our area religiously at least once a year. I know that Michael left the club almost 20 years ago, so hard to believe it was that long ago, so unfortunately many of you aren’t gifted with your own fond memories of this wonderful person. But if you did love Michael, like so many of us who knew him did, you may want to attend his Celebration of Life.
Linda Montgomery