Our Affiliations
Zen Nippon Airinkai
Zen Nippon Airinkai aims to contribute enrichment of the Japanese culture and improvement of the people’s artistic sentiments by promoting nishikigo keeping, directing the way of its appreciaton, and pursuing its beauty.
The Northwest Koi and Goldfish Club is a chapter of ZNA, and is know throughout the koi world as the ZNA NW Chapter. ZNA is the original koi club. founded in Japan in 1962, and we are honored to be affiliated with them. ZNA has opened a number of doors for the NWKG in our quest for knowledge about our beloved nishikigoi.
Pacific Northwest Koi Club Association
The Pacific Northwest Koi Clubs Association (PNKCA) is a regional association of Koi clubs located in Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Alberta, and British Columbia.
The Association’s purpose is to promote all aspects of the hobby of Koi keeping but especially those that are pertinent to the Northwest.
Activities of the Association
- An annual convention. Each year a different club in a different city is host of the convention. This is a great time to meet with other Koi keepers from throughout the Pacific Northwest and from throughout the world. Our programs on various aspects of Koi keeping include some of the finest experts from the Pacific Northwest and from throughout the country. The convention includes a trade show, excellent banquet, an auction and a tour of some of the hosting club’s finest ponds.
- A webpage emphasizing all that is happening with Koi keeping in the Pacific Northwest.
- Coordination and promotion of various Koi shows and other club events throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- Promotion of the Koi hobby by providing various grants to our member-clubs.
- Awards to members for their outstanding dedication to their clubs and to the Koi keeping hobby.
The PNKCA encourages dissemination of Koi keeping information and the personal interactions and relationships among all koi hobbyists in the Pacific Northwest.

Koi Organizational International
The mission of Koi Organisation International is to promote and improve the International enjoyment of the Koi hobby by providing hobbyists with education and mentoring regarding good Koi husbandry, the recognition and management of Koi and pond systems
Koi Organisation International (“K.O.I.”) was formed in 2009 by a group of dedicated Koi hobbyists. Their goal was to create an Internet-based teaching and learning organization that would serve the world-wide Koi hobby by providing solid, reliable and usable information and assistance concerning many aspects of the hobby with an emphasis on Koi health and husbandry issues. K.O.I. is incorporated and has obtained nonprofit status.
K.O.I. has a board of directors and an operations group. The Directors are charged with the longer-term vision for, and guidance of, the organization while the operations group will implement the plans and conduct the day-to-day business of the organization.
From time to time, K.O.I. may seek to include professionals into its efforts. Any such inclusions will be guided and restricted by the need to preserve and protect the mission, goals and needs of the organization.
The original core group took nearly a year preparing to “go public.” The group fully intends to continue to expand and improve their efforts and offerings. These improvements will be guided by the Board of Directors that will actively solicit, collect and attempt to implement suggestions from the community they seek to serve.