2024 ZNA NW Koi Show
Trophy Sponsorships

The NWKGC is excited to offer our Trophy Sponsorships for the 2024 ZNA NW Koi Show!

Support through Trophy sponsorships enables us to present outstanding awards to the winners of  the 2024 ZNA NW Koi Show.

Our awards are made by Quality Trophy in Salem Oregon and feature the the previous shows Grand Champion that you can see on the show poster.

All those sponsoring an award will be recognized at our Awards Banquet on Saturday night and in our 2024 Digital Show Book.  Companies will have a clickable link and individuals can choose a charity or non-profit of their choice to be recognized.

Please click on the trophy below to sponsor that particular award.  If you would like to sponsor multiple awards, please reach out to znanwkgc@gmail.com

** We ulitize Paypal for an easy payment option.  ** Note:  There is a processing fee for all Paypal Transactions. **

The 2023 ZNA NW Koi Show Awards

$150 Trophy Sponsorships

Grand Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Cascade Building Components

Grand Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Children of the Sun Koi

Grand Champion-“B”  SPONSORED!

Bartur Foods

$100 Trophy Sponsorships

Mature Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Jennifer Maire

Adult Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Mizuguchi Koi Farmr

Young Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Mizuguchi Koi Farms

Baby Champion-“A”  SPONSORED!

Pete and Laurie Miller

Mature Champion-“B”  SPONSORED!

Jay Avery & Leora Gregory

Adult Champion-“B”  SPONSORED!

Cascade Pond Supply

Young Champion-“B”  SPONSORED!

Elise Richardson

Baby Champion-“B”  SPONSORED!

Don and Joan King

$50 Best in Size Trophy Sponsorships

Best in Size 1-“A”  SPONSORED!

Steve and Sandy Zimmerman

Best in Size 2-“A”  SPONSORED!

In Memory of Rod Mayes

Best in Size 4-“A”  SPONSORED!

Sot Chimonas

Best in Size 5-“A”  SPONSORED!

Katie Shanafelt

Best in Size 8-“A”  SPONSORED!

Allan Martin & Koi Swag

$50 Special Award Trophy Sponsorships

Doitus Champion Award  SPONSORED!

JD and Tamia Dargis

Ed Fujimoto Award  SPONSORED!

Oliver and Tracy Zuber

Rookie of the Year Award  SPONSORED!

Jason Guevara

Presidents Choice Award  SPONSORED!

Bill and Lora Layman

Digital Show Book

This year will be offering a digital show book to all those that attend the show.  We will also be sharing the book on social media so the reach will be global!

The book will be in a flip book format with clickable ads for our supporters that will take visitors to your site.  We also have the ability to imbed videos via YouTube!

This is a great opportunity to reach thousands of koi affecionadios!  To sign up, CLICK HERE to purchase a supporter package!  If you have questions, please contact Show Co-Chair Bill Layman at znanwkgc@gmail.com